Thursday, November 19, 2009

483. Poem "How Does It Feel" Based on a Tragic Car Accident

Yesterday I had an opportunity to meet "Waldo" as Jules calls him, and he told me of a horrific story in which a 21-year old girl was hit by a car that was going 60 miles-per-hour. She is presently in a coma, but is receiving intense hospital care, and they are slowly weening her off the respiratory machine. I was very attracted to this story because (1) the situation explores very visceral, subconscious forms of existence, and requires imagination of how this visceral form of existence relates to states of higher consciousness (I'm sure Samuel Beckett would approve of my showing interest!) and (2) this scenario could happen to anyone--including myself. Victoria as "jogger roadkill." Absurd, and yet not. Something very real. And from a personal take, this story can definitely explain why Waldo suddenly went MIA for a while when we anticipated on meeting about 3-4 weeks ago.

I hope all outcomes of this story turn for the better. And through writing this poem, it has helped me imagine how it could possibly feel being in such a helpless state.

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