Friday, March 07, 2008

118. Scrap Drawings and Documents for Designing the IQR Question Reality Website, Round 1

In fall of 2007, as a form of confidence boosting and stress relief, I worked very diligently on a website: I did this instead of working too much in the class Films of the Natural and Human Environment. I also needed a website to inform the faculty at UC Santa Barbara who I was and what I am trying to do.

Though I am using photoshop to process images, I try to make my work as personable as possible. Which usually involves my use of paper and pencil, then imported and modified in photoshop. Above are some sketches, which are now much more elaborated concepts: Terra's dreams, Alternative Addictions, a poem and letter to Dr. Armand Kuris, and variations of my mass-produced credit card signatures. More final products can be viewed in the website mentioned above.

A website like "IQR Question Reality is Space Webbed on a Thin Slice of Time.

A blog is time-organized, within a streamline travel of change of space. Well, time is change of space after all. So, to accomodate my brain, I need both elements. I need a time-organized blog, and I need a space-organized website for much larger projects. Larger space-webbed projects are derived from time-streamlined blogs. Your mind is a closet/library and a dresser drawer. You need to be selective what you want to put in the closet/library. Things that you for sure want to keep forever, for they are the nuts and bolts that allow you to stand and build.

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