Link to the FINAL SCRIPT RANDOM SCRAP for World's Easiest Catch: http://stokastika2.googlepages.com/finalscriptideasworldseasiestcatchRA.pdf
A week before the projects was due, I remember being in the parking lot of Denny's off Patterson, and that night I constructed in the car, the narration for the main 4.5 minute version, or at least the draft version. Quite poetic, indeed. Poetry can sometimes come from times of desperation! Later, while I was in the Orange County area, I "finalized" the script... or basically delt with what I had. My time in Orange County and Riverside that week was strange. Very strange. Every night I probably got 3-4 hours of sleep. I was operating like a rapid robot. Or as rapidly as I could go. My mind was in this state of zen. Writing the script requires good sleep and conscious thinking. But I can only methodically create art and music and edit under a zen mode of lack of sleep. My god, this is going to be the adrenaline rush of next quarter? I was in a dream state that entire week.
I also remember crashing at Matt's house, my new random friend who works at the 24-7 engineering computer labs at UC Irvine. He was so kind to let me use his password and work on the Macs and Final Cut Pro. A few days later he offered that I could crash on the couch at his place, which was practically across the street from the UC Irvine campus and the in-and-out. He and his friend were my "social pill" for the week. What amazing support! But then again, it was all a dream, and the entire time I was in a state of artistic delusion. It's like you can place your selt into a state of drugged trance through behavior modification (no sleep, no eating, no exercise) ... the issue is that it takes a couple of days to get into that kind of mode. If you consume a certain "drug-like" substance, I am assuming you can achieve an instant gratification mode of altered Reality.
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