Monday, August 11, 2008

254. Formatting the Question Reality Manuscript via Lulu: Alternate Title Pages That Never Made Final Cut

Blogs are heavenly because you are able to post all the elements of a manuscript that never made the final cut, but are too good to be buried in the "creative exhaust" trashbin of your computer. Some work needs to see the light of day somehow!

Continuing with the conversation I had with Robin--mentioned in Blog Post #253--the images above represent the original title page I designed for the Question Reality manuscript. Ultimately symbolic in the visual representation of my own brain rewiring: hence, the title: "Question Reality: An Investigation of Self-Humans-Environment." Through Robin's suggestion, I tossed out this title page because Robin was thinking more of "what speaks to the world and the audience OUTSIDE my brain" rather than what makes sense to my own internal world. It took me a year for ME to figure out and connect the innerworkings of my own mind. Now the second round is to learn how to communicate with the world outside my own reality!
I was shocked during that night's discussion with Robin and it took a while for me to wrap around the idea that my original visual inspiration needed to be tossed to the side!

In the end, I was able to place a black-and-white version of the document as the first page of the interior of my manuscript.

I actually designed this title page before I started writing Question Reality. It's good to have a few drawings and poems to motivate you to piece together the parts into a much longer--and potentially drier--manuscript!

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