Tuesday, March 18, 2008

143. Blue Horizons Continued: "World's Easiest Catch: Zen of Rock Crab" Revised Treatment and Michael Hanrahan's Response

Below is a link to the pdf file of a "successful" A-treatment.


I was able to cram the most essential information in two pages. As remarked by Michael Hanrahan above: "Similar to the Treatment for 'What the Bleep...' Will be a tough film to illustrate, I think. But prove me wrong!" I have two responses to this: (1) I didn't know for about 4 months what exactly was "What the Bleep" until finally I found out it was a movie, and about ten people asked me to watch it. It's philosophically intriguing, but some of the facts and data are distorted to a state of "pseudoscience." Lisa Angle--a marketing agent for channels 17 and 21 in Santa Barbara, let me borrow her copy of 'What the Bleep' and I still need to return it to her! and (2) In response to the "difficult to illustrate" comment, I had been receiving this all along the summer. I would explain to people with immense enthusiasm what I wanted to do and how my film would look like and people would stare at me as if I were a freak. By the end of summer sessions, I was just fed up with the "talking" and stop explaining to people "what I'm going to do" but JUST DO IT! Which I did!

After three quarters of being involved in film, I have come to notice that most of film production seems to be "yap yap yap" mode rather than just-do-it mode. I think I'm over the yapping, and I'm in this just-do-it-mode, either writing or filming.

One more thought. It is really difficult to simultaneously film and create a preproduction package at the same time. Because things are changing, evolving on both ends. The writing and filming co-evolves, and if things are changing beneath your feet, it's very difficult to just say STOP and quarantine and reflect upon all this change in one seating! And if you do this, the writing becomes obsolete the very next moment!

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