Below is a pdf file for the third blog.
Key Words and Phrases from this blog: ** compulsive hording ** obsessive about throwing things away ** rabbit hole ** environmental constipation ** "Throwing away paper is a heavenly feeling." ** trash in "digital form" ** lava lamps ** Mojo coffee ** Irish Spring Original Soap ** sugar-free sugar ** ecological structure process knowledge (ESPK) ** historical ecological knowledge (HEK) ** "Where Stuff Comes From" ** "How Things are Made" ** ECOLOGICALLY EFFICIENT AND ECOLOGICALLY UNETHICAL ** rabbits eat their own shxt ** "Yes Men" "RE-BURGER" ** Fight Club ** "selling rich ladies' fat xsses right back to them" ** efficient over ethical and moral ** I Heart Huckabees ** American Beauty ** Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind ** Science of Sleep ** Eighth Continent of the Mind ** colonize from scratch ** discouraged from going to Mars ** religious and cultural persecution involved in American colonization ** petri dish ** immense inertia of mistakesof human irrationale in the past ** all our past success leads to a present failure ** ECOLOGICAL PARADOX ** ECOLOGICAL HYPOCRITE ** Santa Barbara of Earth is the Zion of the Matrix ** two triple A batteries ** Duracel ** Sugar Free Rock Star Energy Drink ** THE NEUROPHYSIOLOGY OF PRODUCTIVITY (optimizing study habits) ** memory-association game with objects ** the "social pill" ** being alone is good but "dangerous" ** 101 Victorias ** 101 Versions of Victoria ** self-journalism versus self-journalism with the collective human matrix brain ** sugar-free sugar ** sucralose ** pink panther ** FDA Food and Drug Administration ** cancer in rats ** THE ECOLOGICAL PHILOSOPHY OF FOOD ** TEMPORAL STACKING OF MEMORIES ** energy drinks ** Dale Doucette "people in congress are empty souls" ** "Their thoughts flow where the money flows." ** bureaucratic constipation ** people + paperwork ** What is the definition of science and ecology when humans are a part of the experiment? ** scientists as a PART of congress ** legoland ** IF I DON'T DO IT, THEN WHO WILL? ** throw away receipts ** gas prices ** Subaru gas hog ** Vernon Hunt ** Talei ** SHIFTING BASELINES ANALOGY WITH GAS PRICES, BEN HALPERN'S CLASS ** gradual change versus a jolt ** table for receipts ** "forced" to watch movies for a course requirement (depressing) ** Santa Barbara Organic Resource Guide ** DEFINE ORGANIC ** Ralph Waldo Emerson Rehash ** academia INTELLECTUAL GOSSIP GAME ** "what everyone else thinks" versus "what do you think?" ** don't know everything but just enough such that you can manipulate the system to your own state of originality ** UCSB-ERG UC Santa Barbara Environmental Resource Guide ** Green Business ** Conception Coast Project (CCP) ** THE LIVING PIECE OF TECHNOLOGY ** TECHNOLOGICAL STRIPPING ** Vic is a living "font" and a living "GIS" software program ** $100 ** bureaucratic versus philosophical definitions of organic ** process or progress? ** TECHNOLOGICALLY STRIP YOURSELF TO THE NTH DEGREE ** "There shall always be a succession from older to newer technologist. Whatever you have in the grab-bag of tools at any given point in space and time, use technology wisely, for the benefit of your own health, and your community and environmental health." ** TECHNOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT ** Dr. Wilson to Dr. House "What is rational versus what is legal are two entirely separate things. Go ask OJ." ** Incumbency of Convention ** system major revamping ** erupted perception of bureaucracy ** chemical pesticies ** genetically modified organisms ** GMO ** ecological refrigerator effect ** artificial selection at the genomic scale ** mega-corporate grocery store ** aesthetically wrapped shxt in a box ** Jack in the Box aka Shxt in the Box ** MEGACORPORATE DOGFOOD FOR HUMANS ** in a 15-second microwave ** ONE GIANT CAFETERIA OF STALE DORM FOOD ** "Sometimes I can't help thinking that my past anorexia and bulimic tendencies could only be a rational by-product of what the American food environment has become." ** Mama's obsession with garlic "Windex Spray That Solves All Problems" ** My Big Fat Greek Wedding ** fear of foods as a NORMAL response ** TAPHONOMY OF FOOD ** potato chip expiration dates ** HUMAN FOOD WILL HAVE A LONGER TAPHONOMIC LIFE THAN HUMAN BODIES ** 20 million years from now, preserves of candy and potato chips, few bone fossils ** 7-11 and ampm longest food shelf-life ** sugar and MSG withdrawal ** chips, chili, and cheese ** FOOD HISTORY WORLD WAR II BOXES CANS QUICK PREP LONG STORAGE FEMALES AND WORK FORCE MEGACORPORATE DOG FOOD ** ecological trade-offs and opportunity costs ** food taken over from women's home-cooked dinners to men's mass-production factories of shxt ** "weeds" ** Martha Stewart Show Series, dealing with Ecological Lifestyle Makeovers ** organic, less-human-processed, Where Stuff Comes From ** natural history lifestyle...
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