Thursday, October 04, 2007

Putting Stuff Away Mode: Readings for Films of Human-Natural Environment posted on ERES / UCSB

An Inescapable Reality: Repeat. Repeat. Repeat: What is RATIONAL, versus what is BUREACURATICALLY CONVENTIONAL versus what is the LAW, are just entirely distinct entities. What is rational in the mind is so deviant from the bureacratic structure of society, it is why we have all these human-environmental problems in the first place.

Below is a list of readings that are not in the reader, but are posted in the UCSB / ERES website, which I think is, but I am making them accessible through this blog here. Ummm. I can say that... I read Kant and the properties of "aesthetic" and "sublime," and I thought I understood what he was saying, but Dr. Szaloky confused me, so I have to go back and check it out... *sigh* It's frustrating, this is all frustrating speaking English in a Spanish Department, but all of this, given that I stay open-minded is a familiarization of the "conventions" and "literature citation habits" of film studies professors, which is shocking to me to be mostly social science / books / philosophy docs. What about scientific references? Dr. Walker said that many departments use "film" as a method for research, but different departments have different "habits" and different "approaches" to film, and it seems like my way of doing thing is more of a Communications Department thing. But, but, but... Ack!!! Why does that have to be that way? (I guess I'm being like Jenny, my sister, who asked me in high school, "Why do French people say it like this? This phrase here. That's stupid." And I was more accepting of the time. I told her to consult the international French Language committee in France. Ask THEM why it's that way. They institutionalized it. They make and modify the rules." I guess that is a good point to ask Dr. Pinker about. Institutional conventionalizing of language promoting the irrationality and quirkiness of language.)

Last night, my father said I wrote a "philosophically brutal" email to "a professor" (best not mention names). The first thing he asked is, "Are you getting a GRADE for this class?" And I blatantly stated, "Yes!" He said I was "politely vicious" and that perhaps I should have been on xx Ph.D. committee for xx final dissertation approval: ripping it to shreds, that is. Emotionally I don't like pinning profs to the wall like a black fly being chased by a huge swatter, through my own firing squad of ideas. But it must be done, for the sake of betterment of this human system. I watched the movie "Yes-men" in Constance Penley's class, and when I asked my question in Dr. Walker's class, and same for Dr. Steven Pinker, I yelled inside myself: "I'm a Yes-man!" though I am a female. I am the living entity of "Fight Club" except it is a battle of the mind, not a battle of fists! Because of my yes-man identity, I have established 4 or 5 friends this way after my public questioning of societally pedistalized individuals (nothing against them at all, it just is how it is). These conversations MUST take place one way or another.

Dr. Walker stated that I was taking a unique approach to analyzing human behavior. I didn't go to a "social science department," but I am re-analyzing the world from ground-up. I first ran to the "fuzziologists" and some "precisiologists." I learned how I worked through the systematic study of animal behavior. And I am taking all that I know from the hard sciences realm to re-project this knowledge onto human ecology. You know what? That's good. I am really glad that she is seeing this. Being "spiritually" holistic is just not good enough for me. As a scientists in quest of holism, and remaining artistically, scientifically mechanistic, I feel I am a practitioner of "SYSTEMATIC HOLISM." That you can reduce the "whole" to parts, and put them back together again for everything to make relative sense.

This quarter is about clearing my mind. Laying demons down. You can do it!

Okay, here's the list, I'm sure this will be even good reference for myself! Ha!


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