Sunday, November 16, 2008

353. A Typical Day in Non-directional Random-Walk Philosophizing (which ends up being frustrating!)

The whole point of today was to go through Geology Lectures.
But instead of learning Geology 2, I thought about the five primary factors that fuel the existence of any system (biological, geological, engineered, human-created) (1) size (2) shape (3) composition-properties-materials (4) relationships of parts of system (oops, forgot that one) (5) motion, process, "function" (human value judgment) and (6) contingent environment that embeds the system, the system is immersed in--then you have to analyze the six components proximately and ultimately. This goes in the beginning of Ecology of Scale: how to qualitatively characterize a system. More elaborate.

Then I talked about Stakeholder War of Words, Perceptual Piecemeal, War of Conflicting Value Systems and hierarchization of value systems. Multi-dimensional issue here. And then I garble on about the Adaptive Grid Model and several other case study situations where analysis is assuming that each data point is "independent" of all other data points, wherease there is a level of inter-relatedness, giving rise to the notion of "contingency." Is evolution occurring by adaptation and superior design or more so adequate design plus luck shoot contingent environment? Environmental contingency? Then I proposed that there should be a Contingency Theory of Ecology and Evolution, and so I google it to see whether it exists, which it doesn't. Except in Dr. Sweet's mind, who has this adaptive grid model thing going. And then I found out that all developments in Continency Theory have occurred in Business Management and Organizational Theory. Which I was like holy shxt, this is the time when ecologists and evolutionary biologists need to learn from the social sciences!!! Metaphors go both ways. Social Sciences and Natural Sciences! And then I thought I need to email Dr. Osborne about this book by Gareth Morgan called Images of Organization, first created in 1986 (published 1986 I meant) by Sage Publications, which is associated with Miller-McCune I think in Ventura. I wanted to publish there actually. And then *sigh* this guy Morgan uses 8 metaphors--including biological metaphors (woohoo)--to better understand organizations of humans and how each metaphor can have its benefits and drawbacks in terms of coming out as better leaders and managers, so whatever. The business side of things. Leadership bullshxt. Blah blah. But honestly, some key words are going to save my life:

Organizational theory. Epistemology (ecopistemology), ha ha. Metaphor. Contingency Theory (time-dependence). There are more words. This is good enough. For now.

I think Dr. Brandon Larson's work (my predecessor of controversial interdiscplinary biology Ph.D. work at UCSB) involved around the construct of "competition" used in evolutionary theory and invasion biology, and for me, I am focusing on the other side of the coin, "collaboration" or "constructionism." But this time I won't go down the New Age overextrapolated Gaia theory road. More so the division of labor and contingency theory road. Lovelock and Margulis went Metaphor Overload. And me? he he he. I want to make a conceptually precise metaphor. I want to create a metaphor that will alter people's understanding of reality from the moment that they are exposed and absorb it. They will leave the room perceptually changed. That is the metaphor I need to create. I want to create a Perceptive Metaphor, and that would be... ULTIMATE.

So, I attempted to mentally geologize and instead I went on a random walk of non-directional philosophizing, which has been occurring a bit more than I would like. So, fxck oh well. Sometimes your brain doesn't go where you want it to go, so just let it be....

This is a sample of a Trance that I typically fall in and out, and has happened a little bit more than I would like this quarter. I get frustrated with my brain. I made a comment in the piece above that I can understand why Ernest Hemingway could have committed suicide. I am fundamentally battling myself and trying to maintain a mind that is chronically growing and is out of my own control--due to environmental stimulation in the university.

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