Friday, November 14, 2008

351. Unfinished Poem / Song "Back in the Day / On the Playground"

Back in the Day / On the Playground
Back in the day
there were two little kids
and a girl and a boy
were playing toys
in a sandbox.
Back in the day
there were two little kids
who played legoes all day
and made vast worlds
from scratch.
But then over time
there was partitioning
in all of the grounds
there were perceiving
could only play
in the box, bars, or swings
without a bat-of-an-eye
the structure of the playground
the melting of the playground
the structure of the playground.
The girl and the boy
stepped outside of the sand box
exploring the playground
of great treachery
they met the creatures
of the bars and the swings
who were stern about
guarding their territory--
But the decaying of the playground
the melting of the playground
don't you see?
don't you see?
it's all coming from the ways
of our perceiving--(bad eliminate)
We saw it from the sandbox
some sand was blown diffuse, aloft
and the signature markering
allowed us all to bring
the pieces all together
of all the playground's weather (bad, eliminate)

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