PDF file of the essay 671-word essay: http://stokastika2.googlepages.com/ecologyofsciencediscoveringtheproces.pdf.
I have been working very hard to learn how to distribute my writing far beyond my blog. It had been largely an uphill battle of networking with people--the people in charge of the regulation of communication in mass-production technology--... until today. I had been taking a College of Creative Studies Course in journal prompt writing with Dr. Carolyn Allen. Today we were prompted to write about an experience with "discovery." There were three or four subjects I could have written about: (1) my discovery of the scientific method at UCSB through a killifish-sailfin molly predation project, (2) the discovery of the operations of my right brain (systematic spacetime creativity), awakened by Dr. Sam Sweet and the College of Creative Studies (very overwhelming experience in the spring break of 2001) and (3) the discovery that the underlying framework of science is embedded within value systems, through the observations of my father: (a) his construction of native versus invasive plants, playing the game of "good versus evil" at Sycamore Canyon Park (Riverside), and (b) his playing of "action figures" of native versus invasive with plants in his front yard. I am sure there are several other discovery stories in my head--in fact, far too many--but but my first thoughts of discovery revolved around my experiences with science and discovering overall methodologies of my brain.
Ultimately, I chose the first story... in concern of the discovery of the process of discovery. To write about my annexation of the scientific method through the guidance of Drs. Armand Kuris and Mark Torchin on a predation project with killifish and sailfin mollies at the Ballona Wetlands. I will have to back-pocket the other stories for now. You can only do one thing at a time. Sigh. So I was told I could multi-task. Not with writing. Most certainly not with writing. Writing is a multi-tasking endeavor, even though it seems like just one task.
Something I wish I added to the article: elaborating that aura-esque experience of annexation of science. As if I had become addicted to learning through systematic direct experience, just how other people seemed to become addicted to heroine or food or some other form of environ-mental drug. It seems like there are self- and socially-acceptable addictions as well as self- and socially-destructive addictions. Doing science is mostly a positive endeavor for science... unless you are into designing atomic bombs....
Aside: I realized it is always safe to write blogs as long as that you extract all positive beauty from people and disregard the negative. And if I write anything negative, then it is about an issue that is directly harmful to myself and that I must keep the person or event as anonymous as possible. This is ultimately my filter for writing blogs. Thankfully enough, my mind is very positive and constructivist, so I don't have any apparent problem in writing and creating art.
1 comment:
Well, well! I have a more recent version of this article linked here: http://sites.google.com/site/stokastika2/ecologyofsciencediscoveryprocessdiscoveryFINAL1.pdf. I think I should try and send this article to Coastlines or UC Santa Barbara today.
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