Sunday, July 27, 2008

242. COMPASS Conference Session: Training Scientists to Write Opinions Editorials

Apparently Juliet Eilperin is a famous political reporter for the Washington Post, or something like that.

The above two sheets are a review that Nancy Baron of COMPASS asked me to write in concern of what the Bren students learned from how to write an Op-ed. It was amazing to be trained by Michael Todd and Anna Davidson. The pdf file of the above document is right here:

One of the exercises for the Opinions Editorial session was to read and critique the above editorial. There were a few major problems, which included an awkward title as well as to what actually was the main thesis of the article. And whether the main thesis was actually stated in the end rather than in the beginning. Apparently the editor of the newspaper did some major change with the article.

I am including these documents merely because a couple of blogs ago I discussed my first ever op-ed/letter publication at the UC Riverside Highlander. About one week after this publication was a COMPASS conference at Bren, in which I had an opportunity to share the lede with a group of scientists.

By this point, I am frustrated with myself that I have only published one article and I need to publish more. I just did several hours of research of potential placement of my near-future writing. Like I said a couple of blogs ago, it's a hit-or-miss thing. A scientific experiment of chance encounter and developing compatibility with multiple media sources.

Good luck. I hope after enough trial and error, I get some success!

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