Tuesday, April 29, 2008

174. A Snipit of an Essay on Male-Female Relations Written a While Ago

"... and all televised representations of male-female relations just faded away. The commodified dinner date sleeze movie ear-nipping of sweet nothings of mental emptiness but primal sway of human wetness just utter rational nothingness and I thought I was staring at someone who is far beyond and defied all technocultural rules of male-female relations I felt safe from sweetie pies and honey buns and buying stupid rocks on rings that you can go find a shiny rock in the mountains and not pay anything and the shiniest rock anyone could own was just two heads and forms outlined on a porch late in the night exchanging a common warp of space and time, that is a jewel of rarity in modern society... and a jewel of my own experience..."

I guess I have a few mastered metaphors in this snipit. Wow, that came out!

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