The above rock cycle is from Lemke 2003. I got it off some random website. Below are the notes for Dr. Sylvester's SECOND lecture I attended in Geo 2. I am barely trying to hang on. Too many distractions around me!
Please help with Question Reality / Biologically Incorrect environmental media projects!
All proceeds go toward graduate school funding!
UCSB's Blue Horizons Film and Environmental Media Blog
Please check out my journal entries/blog from July to September 2007 and March 2008 that documents my participation in the new Blue Horizons program at UC Santa Barbara!
Hello, my name is Victoria, and I am a power-scaling moleculo-cellulo-neuro-physio-behavioral-geoevoecological artisticophilosophiscientist. Basically, that means I'm a Common Senseologist (at the local pubs and coffee shops) and Ecopistemologist (around university campuses) in pursuit of a Ph.D. (or more appropriately an Fud) in Survival: for the short and long term, for her Self and this human-built system derived from existing non-human life-earth elements surrounding her, that as of this moment, resumes to remain her life support. Though, if this ecological system (the author was born and incorporated into without choice of agreeing to its contradictory, consequently irrational terms of membership) crashes and burns (always best to expect the worst and hope for the best!), there is indeed plan B for Self-Survival: the initiation of a hunter-gatherer club in the boonies of Santa Barbara. All well-rounded, like-minded folks are invited to join! We do not hold Old Boyz-Frat-Girl Club policies. Okay, please laugh now, if you haven't yet :-)
Great Problems Can Also Equate to Great Opportunities...
Blogging Biologically Incorrect: An Urgent Response to Larry Page's Request
In February of 2007 at the annual AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) Meeting, I witnessed Larry Page, one of the co-creators of Google, frankly state what had been subliminally aching inside me: "Scientists have some serious marketing problems." Since this time, Dr. Page (he's got more than a Stanford Ph.D to me!) has inspired me to manifest my suppressed, subliminal concerns into a solution: the creation of this blog and use of wizywig, button-pushing internet services to start constructing a multi-media reality of my mind's perception of Reality: which is a mix-bag of philosophy and several elements of the hard sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Since then, I have returned to graduate school from leave of absence in pursuit of film and applied/theoretical multi-media research in communication and application of science to the matrix of human ecology (far beyond the university). All for seeking a common grounds value system-perception-understanding-language-and future vision to deal with the gestalt of modern-human environmental crises. Thanks to Dr. Page for validating my internal turmoil and idealistic pursuits! :-)
"Hyper-creativity comes with fairly severe consequences." (Self-Admitted)
"I like it how you are able to hold conversations with yourself." (Sister Jenny to Victoria, a compliment or an insult!)
"You seem like the type of person who would rather be homeless than get a job that you don't like." (Sister Jenny to Victoria, a compliment or an insult!)
"I'd rather work with a graduate student who has too many ideas than too few."--Victoria's Current Ph.D. Advisor at Bren, UCSB
"Your films are so much more convincing and enjoyable than Michael Moore's. You're not attacking specific people. You're not attacking specific organizations. You're attacking, challenging ideas, principles, and values, and with direct humor and a coherent thesis that sets up a bullseye for feasible solutions. "--Film Editor Guru in Santa Barbara
"I started reading your blog, and then I started to think about my thinking."--Anonymous UCSB Graduate Student
"Sometimes certain individuals project their traditional knowledge into new academic territories --like a physicist into the realm of biology--and then some of these individuals, seeing with a new pair of shades, can entirely revolutionize a field."--Anonymous UCSB Professor (paraphrased)
"Victoria, you are truly an original writer. No one writes like you. Your work takes many bold and unexpected leaps. You should give yourself a pat on the back sometime."--My Favorite Poetry Professor (paraphrased)
"Victoria, you are too smart to be a scientist. As a creative writer and artist, you should consider yourself someone who exploits the materials of science for your craft and business of multi-media storytelling. You're lucky: as a scientist, you by default have a much richer, deeper inventory of metaphors than the average writer, which leads to contributions of the novel and the unexpected. "--My Favorite Poetry Professor (paraphrased)
"Every time I meet with you, you are a very different person--your mind is in a very different state. Sometimes inwardly, poetic and artistic, other times outwardly and systematic, and analytical. You can operate so diversely, so laterally... as if you have a bunch of switches in your mind that go on and off!"--Anonymous UCSB Graduate Student (paraphrased)
"Reading your blog is like eating a dense piece of European bread." --Local SantaBarbarian Craigslister (Thanks! I'll take that as a compliment and an insult!!!)
Biologically Incorrect Ideas for Syndicated Multi-Media Columns (Eventually!)
Biologically Incorrect Cartoon Series (currently underway with a portfolio!)
The CoffeeShop Hobo (column on meeting random interesting people at the local coffeeshop, based on a North High School student's senior thesis: "I've learned more in one month just talking to random people at a coffeeshop than I have learned in all four years of my high school education!")
Unburying the Undiscovered (column on discovering someone in history with profound ideas who never saw the light of the public's attention though he or she was very deserving of a collective discourse)
The Biologically Incorrect Guide to Unethical Human-Environmental Experiments... that are actually REAL!
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