Tuesday, February 20, 2007

"My Favorite Music" as asked by Blogger

Below is a short essay on my understanding of music, as asked by Blogger to write in my profile. Unfortunately, I wrote too much, so it now posts here!

The origins of my understanding of (dissection and synthesis) and obsession with music stems from Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring. I was vividly documented by my father as to be “happily bouncing up and down on my butt” upon listening the tumultuous drum sections of the piece at the age of one. Despite my lack of memory during this occasion, and the lack of trust of my father’s observations, I proceeded to watch Disney’s Fantasia at the age of 11, and was completely and utterly “sold” upon watching the “Origins of the Universe and Life on Earth” cartoon, which was coupled again with… Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring. I intensely played piano from age 10-15, learning several classical pieces (in addition to my grumbling about going through long pages of piano theory homework, which I ironically found out a decade later this information to be incredibly useful). A few years ago, based on the Rite of Spring, I formulated the four elements of music that makes a piece or a song mentally addictive and transcendent upon all other forms of “white noise" (well, at least to me): the unique combinations of (1) beat, (2) melody, (3) drama, and (4) it tells a story. I won’t go to anymore nuance detail. In terms of modern artists, I partially-to-marginally affiliate with several artists, with a limited list presented here: Nick Drake, Alexi Murdoch, White Stripes, Enya, Coldplay, Moby, Madonna, Chere, Bjork, and among several others I can’t think of at the moment. When I first started creating my own music, I most affiliated myself with Nick Drake and White Stripes: simple melody, simple sounds, simple messages—fundamentally beautiful. By the time I finished my first three songs, I realized that I have the greatest appreciation of Bjork, and I think I’m rapidly heading toward her direction of style: extremely experimental, classically melodic, but also very mystically tribal. When I first heard Bjork’s work, I thought “what in the hxll is this?” But after undergoing the process of creating music, I can’t help being in awe that I would relate to her music and messages the most. My mental evolution with music is currently very rapid, so I’m sure my tastes and flavors will change by the week. At this moment in space and time, my style of music is classical mixed with tribalism at the core of organization, with frothy sprits of jazz, RnB, and hip hop sounds—all of this combines to form songs that could pass off most appropriately for movie sound tracks. Oh well for spontaneous musical organization in my brain! Stay tuned in my evolution! (By the way, my currently one-chic band name is called Stokastika. One day, I will tell you the story of how all this came about. In short, the word is a term found in statistics textbooks. In short, the word "stokastika" to me means the seeking of order from chaos.)


Victoria "Stokastika" said...

Favorite Movies: Movies that Question Reality in general. I treated several movies as experiments of human behavior in particular paramaterized environmental circumstance: most notably Castaway, the Matrix Series, Alive, Michael-Chriton-type Jurassic Park movies, and a small handful of others. I have been told to watch Memento dozens of times. It is inevitable that I must pay Michel Gondry a visit. His movies are at the fore-front of the revelation of the philosophy of space-time reasoning and the underlying systematic neurophilosophical mechanisms of the right brain (which, of course, us southpaws are greatly outnumbered and underappreciated). Spacetime reasoning was used to overthrow existing contradictory philosophical thought on the environment and reconstruct a consistent way of approaching human-environmental issues in a new philosophy of ecology. Hence, a big fat book I wrote called Question Reality: An Investigation of Self-Humans-Environment. Still in the process of finishing the last chapter, and publishing.

Victoria "Stokastika" said...

Favorite Books: I have collected classical readings and high-school college textbooks from nearly every major discipline in existence, in addition to saving and organizing most of my notes from high school and college (some sparse evidence before this time). You should check out my creepy closet "library" some time. Please email me to schedule a tour and detailed orientation.

Victoria "Stokastika" said...

If your super power is to smell like dandelions, which gets rid of evil demons, how will you hide your identity?
I love Google, don't get me wrong. But they just asked me five tacky-humor questions in a row. And I am not sincerely interested in responding at this moment....